10 luglio 2008

I missili di Teheran e le dichiarazioni di McCain

McCain commenta il test missilistico iraniano, con il quale Teheran vuole dimostrare di poter colpire Israele. Leggete bene:

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain issued the following statement on Iran's missile tests today:

"Iran's most recent missile tests demonstrate again the dangers it poses to its neighbors and to the wider region, especially Israel. Ballistic missile testing coupled with Iran's continued refusal to cease its nuclear activities should unite the international community in efforts to counter Iran's dangerous ambitions. Iran's missile tests also demonstrate the need for effective missile defense now and in the future, and this includes missile defense in Europe as is planned with the Czech Republic and Poland. Working with our European and regional allies is the best way to meet the threat posed by Iran, not unilateral concessions that undermine multilateral diplomacy."

Avete capito? Proteggere l'Europa dai missili a lunga gittata con i sistemi di difesa da piazzare in Polonia e Repubblica Ceca. Dritto al cuore del problema di ieri: insomma, se vi fa male un piede prendete le gocce per il naso.

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